Interpreted language
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2019-06-18 20:06:53 -05:00
data first commit 2019-06-18 14:39:41 -05:00
examples first commit 2019-06-18 14:39:41 -05:00
codes.sko first commit 2019-06-18 14:39:41 -05:00 first commit 2019-06-18 14:39:41 -05:00 first commit 2019-06-18 14:39:41 -05:00
readme.txt Update readme.txt 2019-06-18 20:06:53 -05:00
skrip.c first commit 2019-06-18 14:39:41 -05:00
skripc.c first commit 2019-06-18 14:39:41 -05:00
sort_output.txt first commit 2019-06-18 14:39:41 -05:00 first commit 2019-06-18 14:39:41 -05:00

# Skrip compiler and bytecode interpreter
# by Corey Dunn aka pvtroswold aka crosd
# Below is probably where I should describe
# the language and stuff.
# 14 Jan 2018 - 17 Feb 2018
# (Slightly updated 18 June 2019)

Pretty much a bad version of C (actually closer to the untyped B
language), with a very very horrible bytecode encoding + "virtual

Skrip wants to do what MS-DOS let programmers do: access the hardware
easily from assembly-level (or compiler-generated instructions), using
interrupts or 'system calls' at a low level to make doing things
like graphics and user input consistent and independent of included

The reason MS-DOS (and other systems like Commodore) could do this
was becuase the hardware wasn't as modular as today's computers.
Modern solutions to this problem are to use virtual machines
like Java or .NET. Will we ever have something as efficient and
simultaneously as elegant as the older solutions? Skrip wants to
be that. (but it's very very very not that. At all. But maybe
we can all learn from its optimism?)

 var            var count;            
 func           func add {ret;}       Parameters passed
                                      through vars
 array          array arr 64;         Incorrect: var arr[64];

 +              x=x+1;                Result is discarded
 -              x=x-1;                
 <              if(x<16)              Boolean comparison
 >              if(x>32)              (should be unsigned)
 =              result=512;           Assignment
 :              if(result:1024)       Equality
 #              #this is a comment    Comment, endline-terminated
 ""             "string"              Returns pointer
 []             arr[1]                Offset and dereference
 *              x*128                 Multiply (not dereference)
 /              x/128                 Divide
 %              x%256                 Modulus
 !              if(x!)                Logical not (post-fix)
 &              if(x>8 & y)           Logical and
 |              if(x! | y)            Logical inclusive or

 asm            asm 39;                Insert Skrip opcode by
                                       decimal value (operands
                                       passed in r4x,r5x,r6x)
 r4x            r4x str_msg; asm 39;   Load to r4x
 r5x            r5x 16;                Load to r5x
 r6x            r6x "a string!";       Load to r6x
 r2x            result=r2x;            Load *from* r2x (often
                                       return value from insns)
 while          {i=i+1;}while i<len;   Always do-while loop
 if             if(i:len){str="done";} Control flow, yeah

Other things:
[Other Thing]-----[Example]-------------------[Description]-----------
 Function call     function_name;              No ()s, so use vars for
 Variables         var a;var b;var c;          All vars are global
 ret; behavior     func f{}func g{f;ret;}      f will fall-through to
                                               g (infinite loop)
 String literals   string="hello there";       Generates dynamic memory
                                               (so try to minimize use)
 How to compile    .\skripc <>          Output: <>
 How to run        .\skrip <file.sko>          Or you can reroute output:
                   .\skrip <file.sko> > <file> 
 Tigr                                          You can probably remove
                                               the Tigr dependency if
                                               you have the patience
 Source                                        I think this was written
                                               with gcc (but you most
                                               certainly won't want to
                                               read that mess)

 Hello, this is where notes go. If you find them, let me know,
 so that I can put them here, in the notes section, where
 notes are supposed to go.
 Skripc doesn't make an effort to give many error/warning messages (it has
 been primarily a personal project).
 There's no unary negation operator.